It’s Monday, again! Praise God for another week! The last time I posted a devotion, I took a week off. This time, I took two weeks off. I still have a bump above my brow, it’s still sore, it still gives me headaches and pressure in my head–nevertheless, I am still thankful that the MRI came back negative and that it’s not as painful and debilitating as it used to be. The size remains the same, and we’re praying that it does not affect my vision or my brain at some point. We aren’t losing hope that God will hold it in its place until it completely goes away.
Meanwhile, life goes on…
A week ago, we finished moving out of our other home to make it renter-ready. Then, all throughout last week, our marriage was put through the test. Just when we were hoping that I would be able to rest and hopefully heal after an exhausting move, we’re faced with even more real life challenges that seemingly take away the song out of my heart and prevent me from blogging–specifically sharing devotions and sharing the Gospel.
A part of me thinks I should have just kept on writing…
Then there’s the whisper that I should take another week off since I’m feeling discouraged and I simply don’t feel like writing.
But… it isn’t about me!
I then revisited my previous post about getting that pep back in our step as soon as we do an attitude check.
The more I allow myself to feel discouraged, sad, overwhelmed, or whatever other negative emotion or physical ailment it could be for that particular moment, the more I am missing out on the opportunity to serve God and others.
As I look at the photo above (taken last year), do I see the opportunity to get some R&R, or do I see the opportunity to share the Gospel message with others?
I asked myself, when was the last time I sat back on my beach chair to observe my surroundings while asking God to provide the opportunity to share His gift of salvation? There are so many people who are hurting or are feeling discouraged (just like me) who happen to also be spending some time at the beach… perhaps to seek healing. Have I asked God to make me cross paths with one of those people so I can at least share a smile, perhaps a Gospel tract, or even a brief but uplifting chat?
Yesterday, the preacher at church asked the congregation,
When you wake up in the morning, do you ask God to help you lead someone to Christ? Do you look for the opportunity to share the Gospel?
My friend, despite our pain, our struggles, our situation, let us keep looking up unto Jesus to find joy. Let us humbly ask Him for the blessed opportunity to be a blessing to others–the opportunity to lead someone to Christ.
The opportunity awaits!
And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Matthew 9:35-38 KJV
Take action: Let’s wake up with renewed joy each morning and ask God to provide the opportunity for us to share the Gospel message with someone. Let us remember that it is the Holy Spirit who strengthens, energizes, revives, and empowers us to do His will. If you haven’t yet accepted God’s wonderful gift oft salvation, this page tells you how you can take care of that today.
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