We’ve reached Week 10 of #DoodleDozen happiness! Time flies when you’re having fun! This week’s feature is all about “Job Titles Needed“… because every dood needs a job (or… we sometimes make it appear as if we have a job)! We’re good at a lot of things!

Job Titles Needed (#DoodleDozen Week 10)
We’re trying our paw at Hooman Resources this week and have challenged ourselves to give these doodz and doodettes an official job title. Maybe you can help us with some creative job titles? Tell us in the Instagram comments as we re-gram each featured dood / doodette on our Instagram account from now through next Toosday, then come back to this post to see the job titles suggested by our doodle community (we’ll update this post with the job titles by next Toosday)!
***Update: We just updated the job titles as promised!
Have fun!
Job #1: Wing Man | Training & Development Specialist | Car Dealer | Licensing Examiner | Security | Backseat Driver | “Clearly on the lookout for dinosaurs” | Paleontologist | Sidekick | Uber Dood | Furry Seat Cover, Limited Edition
Job #2 (this one got over 11,000 views!!!): Float Mastress | Lifeguard | Pool Inspector | Water Aerobics Instructor | Professional Surfer | Professional Stand-Up Paddler | Accountant (for the great balancing skills) | Brave Sailor
Job #3: Protector Of Parent | Quality Control | Micromanager or Annoying Boss | Personal Trainer | Kitchen Hockey | Shift Supervisor
Job #4: Communication Specialist | Sign Language Interpreter | Reading Specialist | Scholar | Doodle Genius | Game Show Contestant | “Freaking Amazing” | Professor Lily
Job #5: Landscape Artist | Pruner | Lawn Care Provider
Job #6: Latte Art Critic | K9 Caffeinator | Bow-Wow-Wista
Job #7: UFC Champ | Broadway Dancers | Modern Dance | Stunt Double | “Bend It Like Beckham” | Karate Instructor | Martial Arts Master | Sensei
Job #8: County Animal Control | Biologist | Bird Healer In Training | K9 Perfume Tester | Doctor | Doggie Version Of CPR | Lab Technician | Food Tester | Taste Tester | Naughty Doodle
Job #9: Master Thing-A-Majigger | Inspector Gadget | Professional Boxer | Quality Control
Job #10: Chief Morale Officers | Tickle Team Members | Cheerleaders | Life Coaches | Team Building Consultants | Canned Laughter For TV Shows | Dog Pawk Greeters | Recreation Directors
Job #11: Cadet | Search & Rescue | Seal Team Doodle (Call Sign #Bunny)
Job #12: Bone Inspector | Medical Resident On Call | Quality Control | Bone Owner
What’s your job title? Show us your pics (or vids) by using the #DoodleDozen hashtag this week!! Our doodle community would love to see–and celebrate–your chosen career!!!
COMING NEXT WEEK: Next week’s theme will be all about “Dood Confessions”! So, show us pics / vids of your confessions by using the #DoodleDozen hashtag on Instagram!
Check out the previous week’s #DoodleDozen round-up!
Is your dood or doodette on Instagram?
We’d looooove to be fur friends!
Follow @adoodzlife to follow our sibling life (Mochi, Mocha, and Moana) and to see our #DoodleDozen shares / features.
Use our hashtag #adoodzlife to get social and meet new fur friends in the doodle community!
Use the #DoodleDozen hashtag to… see who’s been featured / join the conversation / submit an entry for upcoming #DoodleDozen features.
Make new friends!
Play along, find a new buddy, and /or follow one or more of our featured doodz and doodettes from this week (or from previous weeks)! Our hashtags #adoodzlife and #DoodleDozen make it easy to find new friends and keep the old 😉
Come back soon and paw-ty with us again next week Toosday for yet another exciting #DoodleDozen round-up!
Bark and share!
Help us make #DoodleDozen even MORE BARKTASTIC! We’d love for you to invite more furrriends, Facebook pals, litter mates, and hoomans to join the #DoodleDozen paw-ty! Feel free to bark, bookmark, or share this post! Woof!
If your ahhhmazing dood / doodette was featured on #DoodleDozen this week…
Feel free to share this post and/or use the image above to tell your friends and family! Simply click on the button below and modify it if you wish and post to Instagram, Facebook, your Facebook group… wherever the doodz and doodettes hang out 😉
As always, thanks for sharing the ruv!
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