We confess. We’re posting #DoodleDozen Week 11 one day late. Was it intentional? Maybe. Or shall we give you our best excuse? This week’s theme is all about Doodle Confessions–either confess or… give us your best excuse! Which one will you choose???

Doodle Confessions (#DoodleDozen Week 11)
Hmmmm… about that pic… this is what happens when our hooman mom and dad couldn’t agree on a look for a pretty doodette. Dad wants the “sporty look” while Mom prefers the “shaggy / fluffy” look. You see, while Mom was busy checking out other doods on the Internet (it was for #DoodleDozen, she said), Dad got busy trying his hand at grooming while Mocha was on time-out. By the way, *this* is what happens when you’re on time-out in our house. Don’t ask why Mocha got apprehended by sheriffs last week 😉 Anyhoo… Mom asked dad to return her *crafting shears* immediately (that’s two offenses in a row, doodz and doodettes)! Do you think Dad will confess, or….??? Either way, there’s been a lot of DIY grooming drama going on in our house, hence the delay of publishing this week’s post (that’s our excuse, and we’re sticking to it).
Now, we just need to find a more reputable and experienced groomer (our current groomer said they can’t fit us in their schedule… and please don’t ask about our home-based DIY groomer called “dad”).
Give Us Your Doodle Confessions (Or Your Best Excuse)!
Are you the type who confesses, or are you known to give the best “justifications”… more popularly known as “excuses” (if you ask us, we prefer “justifications”, it makes us sound more “edumacated”)?
Below you’ll find a dozen doodz and doodettes who have been caught on camera. We need your help! Suggest the most epic excuse or the most heart-wrenching confession in the comments as we re-gram each pic/video on our Instagram account, @adoodzlife. Oh, this is gonna be gooooood!
Caught in the act #1
Caught in the act #2
Caught in the act #3
Caught in the act #4
Caught in the act #5
Caught in the act #6
Caught in the act #7
Caught in the act #8
Caught in the act #9
Caught in the act #10
Caught in the act #11
Caught in the act #12
What’s your best excuse (or worst confession)? Show us your pics (or vids) by using the #DoodleDozen hashtag this week!! Our doodle community would love to learn from the very best!
COMING UP NEXT WEEK: Next week’s theme will be all about “Dood-Approved Toys”! So, show us pics / vids of your faves by using the #DoodleDozen hashtag on Instagram!
Check out the previous week’s #DoodleDozen round-up!
Is your dood or doodette on Instagram?
We’d looooove to be fur friends!
Follow @adoodzlife to follow our sibling life (Mochi, Mocha, and Moana) and to see our #DoodleDozen shares / features.
Use our hashtag #adoodzlife to get social and meet new fur friends in the doodle community!
Use the #DoodleDozen hashtag to… see who’s been featured / join the conversation / submit an entry for upcoming #DoodleDozen features.
Make new friends!
Play along, find a new buddy, and /or follow one or more of our featured doodz and doodettes from this week (or from previous weeks)! Our hashtags #adoodzlife and #DoodleDozen make it easy to find new friends and keep the old 😉
Come back soon and paw-ty with us again next week Toosday for yet another exciting #DoodleDozen round-up!
Bark and share!
Help us make #DoodleDozen even MORE exciting! We’d love for you to invite (and tag!) more furrriends, Facebook pals, litter mates, hoomans, cousins, pet store owners (hmmm… who else?)… to join the #DoodleDozen paw-ty! Feel free to bark and bookmark, or share this post! Woof!
If your oh-so-lovable dood / doodette was featured on #DoodleDozen this week…
Feel free to share this post and/or use the Instagram image above to tell your friends and family! Simply click on the button below and modify it if you wish and post to Instagram, Facebook, your Facebook group… wherever the doodz and doodettes and fur friends hang out 😉
As always, thanks for the ruv and keep on being pawsomely doodlicious!
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