Are you excited about the latest Star Wars™ movie, “The Force Awakens“? I’m so excited about it that I not only themed our recent party after it, I’ve also decided to start theming my daily routines as well. Total geekness, I know. As a work-at-home mom of 4 boys, I still manage to find ways (and excuses) to be sedentary when working on projects on my computer (this includes blogging). To balance things out a little, I decided to find ways (this time, good excuses) to be more active and a lot less sedentary. Perhaps you’re in the same spot as I am (the shortened daylight hours don’t seem to help much–wait, I think I just gave away another justifiable reason excuse). Why not join me in unleashing the Force? I’ve got 5 Star Wars™-themed tips to get active that I’m just dying to share with you (as you can see, the Force is strong with me today).
5 Simple Tips To Get Active
If you’re a fellow Star Wars™ fan and needing a little motivation to get physically active, these 5 tips are for you!
Tip #1: Get in the right mindset.
Our minds are powerful things. Sometimes, we’re even great at playing Jedi mindtricks on ourselves, especially when it comes finding excuses not to get out and get moving. #GuiltyAsCharged
Tip #2: Awaken your senses.
Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to use the Force unless you first awaken your senses. Whether you’re a coffee or tea enthusiast (or connoisseur), inject a little bit of caffeine into your system to get you going (unless your doctor has issued a caffeine ban).

Tip #3: Power up!
Power up with an awesome blue sports drink (unless your doctor tells you otherwise) or any other food or snack that’s packed with energy before you begin your Jedi training (or workout).
Tip #4: Don’t skip breakfast.
As busy as your day might be, don’t forget about breakfast. Some even say that it’s the most important meal of the day. Check out our recipe for this yummy yogurt parfait!
Tip #5: Monitor your activity.
It’s a whole lot easier to track your physical activity nowadays. These smart devices even give you virtual rewards whenever you reach or exceed your daily goals!
Got any other Star Wars™ motivational tips to share with us? Unleash the Force in the comments!
May the Force be with you.
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